Are you a business owner juggling the day to day, finding it hard to create space for business improvements? Let Justine help.
Justine is a positive change-manager you’ll want by your side. She helps businesses manage their people. Commercial clients know she invests time to understand their people, culture and vision to succeed in an increasingly competitive world. She is a Director of Deeside Business Forum, Trustee of the Hospice of the Good Shepherd charity, has been a Law lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), and recently at the University of Law. Clients rely on over 30 years in the legal world and passion for employment law and HR to navigate their business through short and long term changes.
Justine brings the combination of legal experience and commercial skills to HM3 Legal’s engagement team. She is also a member of HM3 Legal’s Task Team dedicated to building a sustainable business focussed on people and the planet, alongside profit.
Click here to read more about Justine, as Cheshire Magazine asked HM3 Legal, ‘Is the Future of Business ‘Female’?’